The Man at the Controls at the Chapel and Cultural Center in Troy NY, January 18, 2008. Click the pictures for puppet details.

It's a single 30 inch rod puppet with both hands fixed to a big lever coming out of a machine. He's an ugly little man with shabby clothes. Inside the machine is a motorized, vibrating, out-of-balance mechanism. You can move it to the left and right, and get different noises, rhym-ic thumping, some unpretty sounds which smooth out sometimes to a lumpy hum. Calliope music, alarm bells, a siren, police whistle, an occasional fog horn, slowly building in volume to a loud chaos at the end.
The little guy is shouting over the noise. He's the man. He's got it under control. He's the man at the controls.
This show is on the schedule for the evening of June 27, 2008 at the Arts Center for the Capital Region, Troy NY. Performances will be at 7pm and 8pm.
March 14, 2007: The "At the Controls" work-in-progress performance at the cabaret at Tess's Lark Tavern was a big success. Thanks to Jim Sande for music, G.C. haymes and David Brickman for sound effects, Mary Jane Leach for the great Calliope links, Cathy Frank for everything else.
January 18, 2008: performance at the C+CC in Troy on the RPI campus, thanks to Sara Ayers and Sean Mack for music, G. C. Haymes for helping out with puppet business and sound effects and Cathy Frank helping with all sorts of logistics and schlepping -- thank you! -- a good time was had by all. Thanks also to Roxanne Storms for costuming help.